2. Provide value 1" If you are sharing useful content (even if it isn’t your own), people will be far more Want to learn more inclined to join your community than if you are just making noise. Become a trusted about how to build an resource and over time your community will grow. online community? Listen to this podcast 3. Actively engage your community with Mack Fogelson, the founder and CEO Pose questions, foster discussions, and always respond when people contact you. In of Mack Web Solutions. addition, try to forge personal connections with people and to bring everyone together so 1" that they feel like they are a part of a real community. 4. Show some personality It is important to be more than just a logo. Develop a voice for your company that helps personify your business and lets people know that they are dealing with real people, not just a company. Share photos of employees where appropriate and make it easy for your audience to relate back to you. 5. Be patient Building an online community is a marathon, not a sprint. It is going to take time, so keep your expectations in check. The good news is that once you establish a community, as long as you continue to nurture it, it will continue to grow. No matter where or how you start, building a community of fans, followers, and subscribers will go a long way toward helping you drive more conversions. Once you are able to directly contact your target audience, getting them to do other things is only one step away. Of course, you are going to have to give them a reason to take that step. It Takes a Content Factory! | 42
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