In this chapter, we will look at the combination of content delivery vehicles and programs that you should be using to effectively get your content in front of the right people at the right times. Importantly, you will learn not only what tactics to use, but also how to scale your distribution strategy appropriately based on the particular content you are trying to promote. Content Delivery Vehicles There are eight main types of content delivery vehicles that you should be “Marketers need to remember that of all the considering to get your content out to your target audience: places their content could live online, their own website probably gets the least amount 1. Your company’s website 5. Other direct marketing of traffic. That’s why you need to embrace the 2. Other websites that channels concept of the digital dandelion. Think of your you can control 6. Industry influencers website as the stalk and your content as those 3. Social media channels 7. Industry partners fuzzy seeds. Just like a dandelion, your content 4. Your e-newsletter 8. Paid channels starts on the stalk but should also be spread far and wide, and repackaged, repurposed, and Let’s take a closer look at each. redistributed in as many places as possible.” Your Company's Website Jay Baer, Social Media and Content Marketing Your company’s website is one of the most important tools you have for deliv- Strategist and New York ering content to your customers, yet many companies fail to optimize their Times Best-Selling Author websites for content delivery. As a result, site visitors are often left scratching their heads about what they are supposed to do and wondering where they can find the specific content they need. Don’t fall into that trap. When anyone comes to your site, make it immediately clear what they need to do to quickly get to the information they need. A great way to do this is by designing your homepage to encourage visitors to segment themselves in some way, such as based on their industry, role in the buying process, or a particular challenge they face. It Takes a Content Factory! | 31