Scaling the Team To create a successful content factory, you will likely need some additional help to support For tips on how to your team’s efforts. Here are three great options to start utilizing: find and manage freelancers, 1. Leveraging Freelancers see page 69 in the Appendix. Freelancers are a great and often budget-friendly way of scaling your content marketing team. Good freelancers provide on-demand access to the additional resources you need without the full cost and complexity of adding full-time staff. Another advantage of working with freelanc- ers is that it allows you to tap into a much broader range of skill sets and expertise than you may already have in-house, making it easier to produce a rich array of high-quality content. 2. Leveraging Industry Influencers Another effective way to expand the scope of your content marketing team is to build relation- For tips on how to ships with industry influencers, i.e., the journalists, bloggers, consultants, industry analysts, engage and work and others who influence your buyers’ decisions. The main benefits of influencer marketing with influencers, are threefold: see page 72 in the Appendix. » Get great content for free: Interview influencers in videos and podcasts, ask them to contribute quotes to your white papers and reports, or even encourage them to contribute original content on their own. » Build your brand: Getting an influencer to contribute to your content effectively puts their seal of approval on it. Such endorsements can go a long way toward building credibility and brand recognition with your target audience. » Expand your reach: Influencers who create content with you are likely to share that content with their own followers, helping you to access a larger audience than you might otherwise not be able to reach on your own. Ultimately, influencer marketing can be a great way to accelerate and amplify your content marketing efforts. The key is to make sure you are leveraging them correctly. To learn more about influencer marketing, check out our eBook, “The Value of Influence: The Ultimate Guide to Influence Marketing.” It Takes a Content Factory! | 22

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