Interest Stage, cont. 51. Consuming product content extensively 27. Opting in for marketing e-mails 52. Seeking expert views 28. Opting in for mobile updates 53. Scheduling a meeting 29. Replying to a tweet 54. Signing up for a beta version 30. Reviewing a specific piece of content 55. Signing up for or starting a trial 31. Responding to a poll 56. Submitting a “contact me” form 32. RSVPing for an event 33. Scanning a QR code purchase stage 34. Sending a message via a website 57. Agreeing to provide a testimonial or case study 35. Submitting information 58. Completing an online checkout 36. Visiting a specific page on a website 59. Signing a contract 37. Watching a video 60. Switching from freemium to paid usage 61. Using a coupon Research stage 38. Agreeing to a follow-up conversation 39. Agreeing to a sales call or demo 40. Conducting a technical product evaluation 41. Conducting vendor research with analysts 42. Completing a technical product evaluation 43. Creating a budget 44. Demoing an application 45. Getting a free assessment 46. Getting a free quote 47. Participating in user forums 48. Requesting a contract 49. Requesting an RFP/RFQ 50. Using an interactive tool (ROI calculator, etc.) It Takes a Content Factory! | 63
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