In addition, keep these tips in mind when creating your buyer personas: » Think in terms of archetypes: Your buyers are individuals, but they will share certain characteristics based on their roles. » Rank personas by influence in the buying process: You will want to narrow down your target personas to a manageable number. » Flesh out your profiles and focus on sticking points: Uncover what keeps each persona from buying your product or ser- vice. The deeper your understanding of this key point, the more effective your insight into each buyer persona will be. 61 Conversion Goals to Consider Below is a list of potential conversion goals that you might want to design your content to achieve at various stages throughout the buyer journey: Awareness Stage 13. Agreeing to listen to a cold call in its entirety 1. Accepting a cold call or telephone call and hearing the reason for it 2. Clicking an online ad 14. Attending an event (in person or virtually) 3. Clicking on the result from a search engine 15. Attending a user group meeting 4. Clicking on a specific link on a website 16. Bookmarking a webpage 5. Hearing about a company in person 17. Clicking a call to action in an e-mail 6. Leaving a comment 18. Downloading an app 7. Replying positively to an e-mail 19. Downloading a piece of content 8. Submitting data 20. Following on social media 9. Seeing an advertisement 21. Following up on a referral 22. Initiating a Web chat Interest Stage 23. Joining a group on social media 10. Accepting a Web chat invitation 24. Navigating to a product/solution/about page 11. Adding a site to your RSS feed reader 25. Opting in for an e-newsletter 12. Agreeing to follow up in the future 26. Opting in for future contact It Takes a Content Factory! | 62

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